Tag: white

Yamaha FZ/ FZ-S Color Variants

These are the colours offered in the Yamaha FZ, FZ-S series. Some older colors are ignored because they are similar to the ones below

2014 Variants:

FZ Brute Blue                                                                                 FZ-S Glory Gold

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FZ-S Raging Red                                                                         FZ-S Tempest Blue

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Limited Edition FZ-S Battle Green


Apart from these four colours, Fz-S Black Cyber green and FZ-S Fiery Orange continues in 2014 line up as well (more…)

Now Bike Helmet becomes Invisible – How’s That

Bike helmets. Many people don’t like to wear them because they’re big and bulky.And during summer, I just hate to wear them because of the sweating and the obvious helmet hair..But to be honest, if it were up to me, I’d rather choose all of the above rather than risk my life by going out on my bike without a helmet on…

But that’s gonna change with the invention of invisible helmets…. Don’t argue that it is not invisible, but you gotta agree that it is far better than the regular ones…. It’s called Hovding, invented by  Anna Haupt and Terese Alstin… (more…)